CRC Network

Rural PC manage several Community Resource Centres around the state.
We enjoy helping the centres make the most of their equipment and discuss future options.
Services we offer include:
* Comprehensive IT Plan of your building, network, software and hardware
* IT Helpdesk and Remote Support
* Supply of new equipment
* Backup management of critical data
* Surveillance camera software setup and monitoring
* Internet Ticketing System - charges customer up front for specified time limit
* Coming soon - Cloud Access to your onsite documents
We have streamlined these processes to enable your CRC to function smoothly, with help at hand when necessary.
Why Choose Us?
1. Quality & Experience - We provide quality service. Trust in our experience.
2. Personal Approach - We tailor your IT environment to suit your individual needs and offer solutions.
3. Local - We are locally situated and willing to travel to your premises.
4. Flexibility - Easy to do business with. We listen to our clients.
5. Professionals - We have high standards of honesty and integrity.
Rural PC Support
We offer Remote
Support and Helpdesk
Phone Support.